
Why buy Mediclaim?

Buying a Mediclaim Policy: Ensuring Financial Security in Times of Need
In today’s fast-paced world, the rising prevalence of lifestyle diseases and unforeseen medical emergencies underscores the importance of securing oneself with a robust mediclaim policy. Here’s why investing in such a policy is a prudent choice:


A mediclaim policy offers a cost-effective solution for accessing quality healthcare services. By paying a nominal premium, policyholders can safeguard themselves against hefty medical expenses that may arise due to illness or accidents.

Financial Peace of Mind

Medical emergencies can wreak havoc on one's finances, leading to significant stress and anxiety. A mediclaim policy acts as a financial safety net, providing much-needed relief to both the policyholder and their family during challenging times.

Individual and Family Coverage

Whether you're looking to protect yourself or your entire family, mediclaim policies offer flexible coverage options. From individual plans tailored to your specific needs to comprehensive family floater policies, there's a solution for everyone.

Comprehensive Coverage

Mediclaim policies typically cover not only hospitalization expenses but also pre and post-hospitalization costs. This may include expenses incurred before and after hospitalization, ensuring comprehensive coverage for the policyholder.

Lifelong Renewability

Many insurers offer lifelong renewability options, allowing policyholders to continue their coverage without interruption, irrespective of age or health status.

Additional Benefits

In addition to basic coverage, mediclaim policies may offer a range of additional benefits, such as coverage for ICU expenses, annual health check-ups, alternative treatments, and more, further enhancing the value proposition for policyholders.

Tax Benefits

Investing in a mediclaim policy not only offers financial security but also provides tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. Policyholders can avail tax deductions on the premium paid, reducing their overall tax liability.

Types of Mediclaim Plan

Exploring the Range of Mediclaim Plans.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Mediclaim Policy

Individual vs. Family Floater

Determine whether an individual or family floater plan best suits your needs. While singles may opt for individual plans, families can benefit from the cost-effectiveness of a family floater policy. Consider supplementing with additional individual policies if you're the sole earner.

Coverage Amount

Assess your healthcare needs and opt for a high sum insured coverage plan to safeguard against rising medical costs. Plan for the future by considering potential health events and ensure adequate coverage for every family member.

Medical Tests

Be prepared for medical tests, especially for senior citizens, individuals with pre-existing conditions, and those opting for higher sum insured amounts. Understand the insurer's requirements for medical testing to avoid surprises during the application process.

Network Hospitals

Check the insurer's network of hospitals for cashless claim facilities. Ensure there are adequate network hospitals in your locality and preferred areas to facilitate hassle-free claim processing.


Familiarize yourself with policy exclusions to avoid surprises during claims. Understand what is not covered, such as permanent exclusions and waiting periods for specific treatments or pre-existing conditions.

Waiting Periods

Take note of waiting periods for certain treatments and pre-existing conditions. Understand the waiting period duration and conditions for coverage to effectively plan your healthcare needs.

Premium Escalation

Anticipate future premium increases, typically associated with age. Inquire about the insurer's premium escalation policy and frequency to make informed decisions about long-term affordability.

Coverage Growth

Consider policies with provisions for coverage growth to keep pace with rising medical costs. Explore options such as no-claim bonuses, inflation protection, or restoration benefits to enhance your coverage over time.

Disclosure of Information

Provide accurate and complete information during the application process to avoid claim rejections. Disclose all material details, especially regarding lifestyle habits like tobacco and alcohol consumption, to ensure smooth claims processing and avoid complications in the future.

Exclusions of a Mediclaim Policy

While mediclaim policies offer comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses, it’s essential to be aware of the exclusions to avoid any surprises during claims. Here are the typical exclusions found in health policies

Pre-existing Diseases

All pre-existing diseases, as defined by non-life and health insurance companies, are generally excluded from coverage. These are conditions that existed before the policy's commencement date.

Initial Waiting Period

During the first year of coverage, any claims made within the first 30 days from the date of cover for sickness or disease are excluded. However, this exclusion does not apply to accidental injury claims.

Specific Diseases in the First Year

Certain diseases are excluded from coverage during the first year of the policy. These may include conditions such as cataract, benign prostatic hypertrophy, hernia, piles, and sinusitis, among others.

Specific Treatments and Procedures

Certain treatments and procedures may be excluded from coverage unless they require hospitalization. This may include circumcision, dental treatment or surgery, convalescence, and the cost of specs, contact lenses, or hearing aids.

Certain Medical Conditions

Conditions such as general debility, congenital external defects, venereal diseases, intentional self-injury, and the use of intoxicating drugs or alcohol are typically excluded from coverage.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Treatment related to pregnancy or childbirth, including cesarean sections, is usually excluded from coverage under a standard mediclaim policy.

Naturopathy Treatment

Treatment related to naturopathy, a form of alternative medicine, is often excluded from coverage.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Certainly! Here are 15 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about mediclaim, along with detailed answers:
A mediclaim policy is a type of health insurance policy that provides coverage for medical expenses incurred due to illness, accidents, or hospitalization. It offers financial protection by reimbursing or directly paying for covered medical treatments and services.
Anyone can buy a mediclaim policy, including individuals, families, and organizations. Insurance companies typically offer different types of mediclaim policies tailored to various demographics and needs.
A mediclaim policy typically covers hospitalization expenses, including room charges, doctor’s fees, surgery costs, diagnostic tests, and medication expenses. Some policies may also offer coverage for pre and post-hospitalization expenses, ambulance charges, and day care procedures.
Pre-existing diseases are generally excluded from coverage under a standard mediclaim policy. However, some insurers may offer coverage for pre-existing conditions after a waiting period, typically ranging from one to four years, depending on the policy terms.
The waiting period is the duration after which certain benefits become payable under the policy. For example, there may be a waiting period for coverage of pre-existing diseases, specific treatments, or maternity-related expenses. It’s essential to review the policy terms to understand the waiting period requirements.
Some mediclaim policies offer coverage for maternity-related expenses, including childbirth, pre and post-natal care, and cesarean sections. However, coverage for maternity expenses may be subject to waiting periods and specific policy terms.
While there may be age restrictions for certain types of policies, such as senior citizen mediclaim plans, most insurers offer mediclaim policies with no upper age limit for individuals. However, premiums may vary based on age and health status.
Many mediclaim policies offer cashless treatment facilities at network hospitals, where the insurer settles the medical bills directly with the hospital. Policyholders can avail cashless treatment by visiting a network hospital and presenting their mediclaim card or policy details.
Yes, most mediclaim policies offer annual renewal options, allowing policyholders to renew their coverage each year by paying the premium on time. Continuous renewal ensures uninterrupted coverage and protects against unforeseen medical expenses.
Yes, premiums paid for a mediclaim policy are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. Policyholders can claim deductions for premiums paid for themselves, their spouse, children, and dependent parents, subject to certain limits.
Some insurers offer options to enhance the coverage of mediclaim policies by opting for add-on riders or increasing the sum insured. Policyholders can customize their coverage based on their evolving healthcare needs and financial capabilities.
When buying a mediclaim policy, consider factors such as coverage benefits, premium costs, network hospitals, claim settlement process, policy exclusions, and the insurer’s reputation and customer service. Assess your healthcare needs and choose a policy that offers comprehensive coverage and value for money.
Yes, policyholders have the option to port their existing mediclaim policy to another insurer without losing continuity benefits such as waiting periods and no-claim bonuses. Portability allows policyholders to switch to a better policy or insurer while retaining their accrued benefits.
If you miss paying the premium for your mediclaim policy within the grace period provided by the insurer, your policy may lapse, and coverage will cease. It’s crucial to pay premiums on time to ensure continuous coverage and avoid any gaps in protection.
To make a claim under your mediclaim policy, inform the insurer about the hospitalization or medical treatment and submit the necessary documents, such as medical bills, prescriptions, diagnostic reports, and claim forms. Depending on the type of claim, it can be settled on a reimbursement basis or through cashless treatment at network hospitals.